The National Research Council is responsible for all of the research papers in this repository. Document codes are intended to serve as reference codes comprised of English letters and document numbers. The code indicates the document's level, and a period (.) is used to separate the level of each document as follows.


Archival Group Code (Fond)

The National Research Council of Thailand archival group code contains the English alphabet, namely TH, NRCT, and AG.

  • TH stands for the Thai language.
  • NRCT stands for National Research Council of Thailand.
  • AG stands for Archive Group.


Preservation Priority and Criteria

TRAR provides long-term preservation for archives which can be divided into 9 groups as follows:


  1. Thailand research history
  2. National research plans and policies
  3. Research promotion and support
  4. Promotion of research cooperation with foreign countries
  5. Research standards and monitoring system
  6. Innovation and technology transfer
  7. Academic research service
  8. Thailand historical documents from foreign archives
  9. Network of research agencies


Components of TRAR Digital Preservation:

The TRAR digital preservation mission to archive relies on the following three components:

  1. All TRAR personnel, including librarians and operational-level employees, are trained in digital preservation and required to participate in any professional development program.
  2. Budget and resources sufficient to manage TRAR continuity operations.
  3. Managing the IT and technical infrastructure, including the IT system, hardware, and software, and preparing for any IT-related risks.

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